Just Announced Tara-Leigh Cobble is bringing The Bible Recap LIVE Tour to Emmaus on Aug 23! Learn more


What is Emmaus's approach to financial giving? 

How To Give

How To Give

1.  Online with Our Secure Giving Service: Use your card or checking account to make a one-time gift or set up a recurring offering.

2.  Automatic Bank Payment: Many banks facilitate automatic payments from a checking or savings account. Simply log into your on-line bank account or call your personal bank to set up Emmaus as a payee.

3.  In-person: Place in the secure boxes on the wall as you enter/leave the worship center.

4.  By Mail: Mail a check (please do not mail cash) to Emmaus Baptist Church, 16001 S. Western Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73170. *If you would like to designate the gift to a particular account, please indicate on the Memo line of the check or include a note with your check.

5. Text: Text emmausokc to the number 77977. Enter your information and the amount. Takes less than 90 seconds.

6. Emmaus Baptist App: Download the Emmaus Baptist app for your smartphone and select the Give button.

Accessing Your Emmaus Giving Statement for Taxes

Note from the Pastor:

Financial giving comes from a generous heart that has been set free by God's love. We don’t give financially to impress God or get things from Him. We give because He has given, just as we love because He first loved us.

At Emmaus, we want to establish a culture of generosity that is supported by a foundation of trust, stewardship, and ministry excellence. This means we will pursue a Kingdom-centered and ministry-oriented budget; we will guard the confidentiality of your giving; and we will provide regular giving reports. If you have questions about the receipt or use of funds, don’t hesitate to contact the church office. Thanks again for giving as God leads so we can proclaim and display Jesus!



Dr. Owen Nease