Just Announced Tara-Leigh Cobble is bringing The Bible Recap LIVE Tour to Emmaus on Aug 23! Learn more

About Us

What we are doing, what we value, what we believe.

What We Are Doing

We exist to Proclaim and Display Jesus!

·      We proclaim Him with our words.

·      We display Him with our actions.

·      He must become greater; we must become less. (John 3:30)

What We Value

UP / Worship (Prayer and Praise)

We don’t exist for our own success, our own benefit, or our own name. We exist to put all the focus on God because He alone is worthy! Worship is not the musical part of a church service. Worship is our complete response to who God is, what He has done, and why this matters. We proclaim His worth daily as we pray and worship privately and weekly as we gather together as God’s people. We are not focused on what we can get from Him, but what we can give Him, because He has defeated sin, darkness, and death.

IN / Discipleship (Encourage and Equip)

Worship is not about one part of our lives or one hour of our week. We want God to transform every area of our lives as we follow Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. We depend on the Spirit, read and study Scripture, and seek to display our faith where we live, learn, work, and play. Following Jesus isn’t a private thing; we learn to follow Jesus alongside other believers through membership in a local church and through partnership with Christians around the world.

OUT / Missions (Give and Go)

The Good News of Jesus must be shared with others. So, we go to our Neighbors and to the Nations. We cross barriers, tear down walls, remove excuses, and go. We speak about Jesus and the freedom and salvation He provides. We display Jesus’ love and hope by serving others. Sometimes missions includes structured opportunities for evangelism and service. More often than not, these things happen as we live our everyday lives.

What We Believe

As a Southern Baptist Church, we cooperate with other churches who share a confession of beliefs called the Baptist Faith and Message. You can find an explanation - and key Scriptures - for many of our beliefs and doctrines in that document.

Core Beliefs

We recognize some beliefs are primary (Trinity, Gospel, the Bible); and by primary, we mean these beliefs are core to our church and foundational for our theology. At the same time, we recognize other beliefs are secondary (timing of creation; end times details; the exact relationship between Divine Sovereignty and human response for salvation). By secondary, we do not mean these doctrines are unimportant. All of God's Word is inspired and worthy of our humble engagement and obedience. We simply acknowledge that people can remain committed to the Gospel and in good fellowship with the church while disagreeing on these matters. 


Church Membership 

We discuss our church's beliefs and practices at the New Member Information Meeting, which is available on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Pastor Owen would love to have you attend. Email him for more information or to sign up for the Membership Meeting.









Mon-Thurs 9:00am-4:00pm

(Closed Daily 12:00pm-1:00pm)

Friday 9:00am-12:00pm