Wednesday Nights Spring - Starts January 8

Men’s Group - “Look Up: The Book of Ecclesiastes”
Group led by Jeff Hemphill
Bldg C Rm 233/34
Women's Study “Draw Near: Savoring Select Psalms"
Group led by Kristine Young
Bldg C Rm 252
Sign up HERE
“Workplace Missions”
Group led by Kennedy Lehew
Bldg C Rm 237/38
Bible Study
Group led by Bruce Ingram/Shylo Galvan
Bldg A - Choir Room
Financial Peace University Group
Group led by Matt and Andrea Bay
Bldg C Rm 202
Finding Hope
1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month and meets year-round | 6pm | Room 200
Support group for loved ones of addicts. Please join us anytime! Led by Darla Price
Group led by Linda Miller and Christa Smith
Bldg C Rm 203
Classroom Map