Marriage Night February 16th Learn more & Sign up HERE

Sunday Nights

5pm (Not meeting on Holidays)

Sunday nights are times where various ministry opportunities can be pursued, primarily outside of the church building. We explain this using the acronym F.L.E.X.


Sunday Night Service - 5pm

Meeting in the Worship Center Lobby

No childcare available.

Fellowship - This is time to get together with other believers and encourage one another, discuss scripture, confess sin, pray for each other, etc. This can happen in a small group, around a coffee table, at the driving range, wherever! If you’re interested in small groups please contact Jeff Hemphill (

Potential Activities:

  • Small Groups in Homes or Other Locations
  • Sunday School Fellowships
  • Dinner with other believers

Leadership Development

Leadership Development - This will include short-term, specialized studies and meetings offered at various times throughout the year.

Potential Activities:

  • Financial Peace University
  • Griefshare
  • Sunday School Leadership Meetings
  • Women’s Bible study


Taking an opportunity to identify the lost people in your life and build a relationship with them for the intent purpose of sharing the Gospel.

Potential Activities:

  • Inviting a lost coworker over to your house for dinner
  • Hosting a neighborhood picnic
  • Bake something to gift to someone
  • Get out in public to share faith


Taking time to rest physically and engage in activities that recharge you spiritually.

Potential Activities:

  • Spend time doing something fun with your family like games or out bowling
  • Eat dinner together
  • Family worship (reading Scripture, discussing the sermon or questions about faith, singing, praying together)