Sunday nights are times where various ministry opportunities can be pursued, primarily outside of the church building. We explain this using the acronym F.L.E.X.

Sunday Night Service - 5pm
Meeting in the Worship Center Lobby
No childcare available.
Fellowship - This is time to get together with other believers and encourage one another, discuss scripture, confess sin, pray for each other, etc. This can happen in a small group, around a coffee table, at the driving range, wherever! If you’re interested in small groups please contact Jeff Hemphill (
Potential Activities:
- Small Groups in Homes or Other Locations
- Sunday School Fellowships
- Dinner with other believers
Leadership Development
Leadership Development - This will include short-term, specialized studies and meetings offered at various times throughout the year.
Potential Activities:
- Financial Peace University
- Griefshare
- Sunday School Leadership Meetings
- Women’s Bible study
Taking an opportunity to identify the lost people in your life and build a relationship with them for the intent purpose of sharing the Gospel.
Potential Activities:
- Inviting a lost coworker over to your house for dinner
- Hosting a neighborhood picnic
- Bake something to gift to someone
- Get out in public to share faith
Taking time to rest physically and engage in activities that recharge you spiritually.
Potential Activities:
- Spend time doing something fun with your family like games or out bowling
- Eat dinner together
- Family worship (reading Scripture, discussing the sermon or questions about faith, singing, praying together)