Marriage Night February 16th Learn more & Sign up HERE


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Ministry Team Sign Up

Ministry Teams are for every student! We want everyone to have a place to serve the Body of Christ within EmmauStudents and our church. Currently we have 5 areas of ministry students can participate in. 


TECH :: Anything with sound, graphics, lights, etc.

WORSHIP :: Engaging students with truths of God through music, scripture reading, etc @ ReFuel

PRAYER :: Coordinating & recruiting students to get involved in prayer initiatives.

WELCOME :: First Impressions, Greeting students and making connections to other students. 

SERVE :: "Behind the scenes" prep/coordination of events and other opportunities. 


Serve Lead Team Application

Our Serve Lead Team serves multiple purposes. 1) It gives a student the opportunity to lead/facilitate our Ministry Teams, as well as, learn more about being a leader at church, home, & school. 2) It gives a student the opportunity to be apart of the planning and collaboration of Student Ministry events & mission. 3) Finally, and most importantly, it gives a student an opportunity to be discipled and learn how to disciple others. The Serve Lead Team meets together two Sunday Nights a month. At the beginning of each school year we coordinate the EmmauStudents Serve Lead Team, where students are given the opportunity to join the Serve Lead Team. Students may also join the Serve Lead Team at any point during the school year. 

Students wishing to consider participating on the Serve Lead Team will need to take some time to sign up through the link below. (Students wishing to participate in Super Summer Leadership Camp are required to be on the Serve Lead Team for the duration of the school year.)