There is nothing easy about parenting a teenager. It can be one of the greatest challenges but also one of the greatest joys of our adult life. There are seasons when the challenges seem to outweigh the joys and sometimes it's the other way around. The EmmauStudent Ministry desires to come alongside parents in this endeavor to be their biggest supporter and champion as they parent their teenagers. We hope this dedicated webpage will do just that for you. Please explore and use it! And of course, if you ever have any questions please contact Cody, our Student Pastor.
EmmauStudent Ministry desires to come along side families to encourage and equip them so that the Gospel instructs families how to live for the Glory of God within the walls of their home as well as for the mission of God around them. We hope this page proves to be a valuable resource for the families of Emmaus. If you have specific questions or even ideas how this page can best encourage and equip families please contact the Student Ministry office.
Recommended Books
Girl Talk Mother-Daughter Conversations on Biblical Womanhood
Time for The Talk Leading Your Son Into True Manhood
A Father's Guide to Blessing His Children
Parent Articles
What Does Deuteronomy 6 teach us about parenting?
Internet Resources
A Prayer for Trusting God With Our Kids
A Father's Guide to Blessing His Children (start at the 18:30 minute mark)
Family Discipleship Resources
Family Discipleship Guide (Village Church)

The Bridge
We are so excited about transitioning your 6th grader into the Student Ministry here at Emmaus. We want to support you in every way as you walk through this new journey. If you have any specific needs or questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Student Pastor, Cody Moser.
Family Experiences
As parents, God has given us a task. It's easy to get consumed with spinning plates in hopes that our kids will grow up to be productive and respectful members of society. Holding a steady job, having a likeable family, owning a great home, living a comfortable and full life all sound appealing on the surface. But at the end of life, as parents, we will not be judged on such criteria. Were we faitful to lead, instruct, & model a life that loves God with all of our heart, soul, & mind? We must live out the gift of faith given to us as we trust we are being sustained by the grace of God. We hope these Family Experiences can be one of many tools you utilize to do just that.
Family Experiences (Rite of Passage)