Just Announced Tara-Leigh Cobble is bringing The Bible Recap LIVE Tour to Emmaus on Aug 23! Learn more


Check out our Local Mission Partners, things we do as Emmaus, and how you can serve!

As we proclaim and display Jesus to our neighbors, we serve through our partners and unique opportunities that the Lord provides.

Are you interested in staying up to date on local mission opportunities? Fill out our Local Missions Interest Form!

Local Mission Partners

Emmaus Local Missions Opportunities

Meal Bags

  • We provide a Holiday Meal to families in need in our area.

Operation Christmas Child

  • Pack a shoebox and help us during national collection week!

Quilting Ministry

  • Request a prayer quilt for someone in need.

Unique Mission Opportunities

  • A lot of our mission opportunities come up on an as needed basis. Keep an eye out for these unique opportunities!

Contact kennedy@emmausokc.org or fill out the form at the top of this page if you're looking for ways to get connected to Local Mission Opportunities!

Looking for ideas for your Sunday School Class to serve? Here are some ideas:

  • Hope Pregnancy Center Community Night
  • Hope Is Alive Sunday Night Dinner
  • Provide a dinner for Moore Faith Medical Clinic Volunteers
  • Provide a meal for an OBHC cottage
  • Serve at Send Relief's Oklahoma City Ministry Center
  • Serve at the Mission (in Norman)

Contact kennedy@emmausokc.org if you're looking for ways your Sunday School Class can serve!