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Church Membership

Learn more about church membership at Emmaus!

Why does Church Membership matter?

We answer this question directly in the Membership Information Class offered on the 2nd Sunday of each month.


The short answer is:

(1) church membership is more about what you can give than what you get

(2) church membership is a pathway to live out what the Bible teaches about following Jesus

Do I have to be re-baptized to join Emmaus?

If you were baptized by immersion in response to experiencing God’s salvation through faith in Jesus, we do not require you to be re-baptized. If you have not been baptized or if you have questions about your previous baptism, we would be honored to talk with you about that.

Can I transfer membership from another church?

Yes. After you attend the New Member Information Meeting (2nd Sunday of each month) and meet with a Pastor/Church Leader, we will contact your previous church to “transfer your church letter” to Emmaus. 

*If you are seeking God’s direction about whether to leave your current church and join another church, we hope you’ll take a look at the resource linked below (“Church Transfer and Church Growth”).

Optional “First Step”

Discover Emmaus

  • "First Step" offered on the First Sunday of Each Month
  • Meets in the Main Lobby. Coffee, fruit, and pastries. Meet staff members.
  • No-obligation opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the church.
  • *Discover Emmaus is not required for church membership, but is a great starting point. 

Three Required Steps for Membership

1. New Member Information Meeting

  • "Next Step" offered on the 2nd Sunday of Each Month
  • Meets in the Main Lobby
  • If you’d like to become a member, or just want to learn more, please attend this meeting. 

2. Meet with a Pastor/Church Leader

  • After attending the New Member Information Meeting, you will meet with a staff member or church leader to share how you became a follower of Jesus and how God led you to Emmaus.

3. Presented to the Church

  • We present new members in the Worship Service every few weeks.
  • We will coordinate with you to find an open date.