Easter Sunday - April 20th at 9:15am & 10:45am
What to expect:
- Both services (9:15 and 10:45) will be identical.
- The service will be about 65 minutes in length.
- Hear a message from Scripture.
- If you can't join us in person, we will broadcast the service live on Facebook and YouTube.
For Your Family and Friends:
- Kids' Indoor Easter walk-thru experience before both services (8:45am-9:15am & 10:15am-10:45am.)
- Donuts and coffee will be available in the main lobby between services.
- Childcare for Birth - 3yrs is provided during both services. When you arrive, someone on the "Welcome Team" at the main doors will help you check in your kids for childcare.
- We have "cry rooms" available at the back of the stadium seating; plus, the service is broadcast in the lobby for anyone needing that option.
- Easter photo booths will be available in the Lobby
Reminders for Emmaus Members:
- We will not have our normal Sunday School Groups at 9:15am
- We will not have Elevate (Children’s Church) during either service.
- We will not have our 5pm evening service on April 20th.

Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday, April 13
- 10:45am Worship Service for Palm Sunday
- 5:00pm Evening Worship Service
Maundy Thursday, April 17, 11am-7pm
- Holy Week Prayer walk-thru will be open from 11am to 7pm on Thursday, April 17. Come anytime during the day that fits your schedule.
- Begin at the front doors of the Main Building (Worship Center)
- Booklets will be available for kids and adults. This is a great opportunity for your whole family!
- Inside the worship center, we will have 6 hands-on, interactive "stations" designed to walk you through the events of Holy Week.
- It takes about 15-30 minutes to go through the stations, though you can move quicker or take as long as you'd like.
- A powerful opportunity for prayer, worship, and personal reflection.
Good Friday Service - April 18, 6:30pm
- Hymns, Scripture Readings, and Sermon
- Reflect on the Death of Christ, as we prepare for the Joy of the Resurrection