Just Announced Tara-Leigh Cobble is bringing The Bible Recap LIVE Tour to Emmaus on Aug 23! Learn more

Blessing Box

Take What You Need | Give What You Can | Above All, Be Blessed!

About the "Blessing Box"

The Blessing Box concept was created in 1953 as the result of a dream of the women who founded Christian Women's Fellowship. It has continued to grow over the years popping up in front of churches, in neighborhoods, business districts, etc. It was developed as an "over-and-above" way to help the wider mission of the church. It's a way to express gratitude for everyday blessings by giving to others. The theme is "Take what you need. Give what you can. Above all be Blessed."

Luke 3:11

And he answered them, "Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise."

Acts 20:35

In all things I have shown you that by working hard this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

How Do I Contribute To The Blessing Box?

If you would like to participate in this on-going mission at Emmaus you may drop items off in the Blessing Box at any time. If you have questions about a specific item stop by the church office during business hours. The Blessing Box is located just outside the Church Office entrance.

Here are some suggestions for donations remembering that all items must be non-perishable and not in large packaging.

Supply List

FOOD ITEMS (not limited to these ideas)

Canned (preferably with tab open lids), boxed, or bagged

·      baby food

·      canned meat

·      soups

·      fruit

·      vegetables

·      macaroni & cheese

·      beans

·      rice

·      cereals

·      sugar, flour etc.

MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS (not limited to these ideas)

·      diapers

·      toilet tissue

·      toothbrushes

·      soap

·      laundry detergent

·      dish washing soap, shampoo, women's hygiene products, etc.